Fur Collection  for home decoration o and for the decoration of all types of Yachts.

Fur pieces give us warmth, comfort and well-being.

Blankets, plaids, pillows, rugs …


Apart from offering a wide collection of household items we also make them, tailor-made; Depending on the decoration, we choose fur type, design, size, type of lining … They can be combined with knitwear, giving a lot of flexibility and comfort, with cashmere wool, with leather or silk.

Also, pillows, squares or rectangles are made, and puffs, backrest chairs or sofas can be lined.

Fur is a natural and noble material that enhances space, gives it singularity and makes it cozy.


Manta de renard argenté per a la decoració de la llar

Per yachts personalitzem les peces amb el nom i els colors del vaixell.

fur decoration

Manta castor marró Yacht Home Collection